It’s 2018 and if the weather has any say, I’ll never go outdoors again. It’s currently -9 with about four inches of snow on the ground. The snow doesn’t bother me too much, but the cold can turn around any day now. With a new year comes the inevitable thoughts about what to accomplish, and, dare I say, resolutions. Before I get into any of that, let’s look at 2017.
In 2017, I joined a U of I research group where I was/am asked to exercise everyday, which may or may not include going to the gym. I did go to the gym, quite a bit actually, from July – September. Then the temperature dropped and my walk to the gym was less than ideal. I started going less and less, until now it’s been a few times a week thing rather than every morning.
But that’s not all bad. I was able to lose twenty pounds and build up some long lost muscle during that short time period. Number one on the resolutions will be to maintain a three day a week gym attendance and get my steps back up to a decent amount. Too much chair surfing for my age.
I also improved my programming skills considerably in 2017. But I didn’t dive into many new languages — although I did tackle Java for a bit and made it about halfway through the book I bought on the topic. I also learned a great deal about javascript by making a full on single page application. I did some things there that I would’t do again, but and come to think of it that’s probably a whole ‘nother post by itself.
This year I’m taking a bite out of Apple.
Leveling Up
I’ve been pushing myself lately to learn Swift 4 (partly due to my new Macbook Pro — Yay! toys), but also to improve my understanding of WordPress plugins and PHP in general. 2018 marks the fourth year that I’ve been a full-time web developer and the second year that I’ve been the lead developer at The News-Gazette. I want to share my understanding so that I can better speak about the technology I use everyday with the people who visit, but also so I can improve my storytelling as it pertains to programming.
So in reference to programming, I’m not looking to write each challenge, only the ones that I think will help me uncover the depths of the problem and explore how I might have done things a different way. I call it leveling up, diving into that recent dark cave and shedding light on all the monsters that I laid waste to along the way.
Programming efforts this year include:
- Pushing myself to explore Laravel core and understanding the framework to the best of my ability.
- Using VUE.js or React.js to build a kick-ass publishing platform.
- Exploring the WordPress API and building a plugin to further my personal site goals.
- Learning Swift 4 to pursue a mobile application opportunity that might arise in the future.
I’m not going to apologize for the trite resolution post on the first day of the year. But I will say this may have only come about due to the blistering cold. Leave me a comment with how you plan to level up in 2018.