The Stereotypical New Year’s Resolution Post

I've jumped into the stereotypical slop of the new year. I have it hanging all over me, like the coagulating goop from a Nickolodeon game show. So while I'm sitting here reveling in my ooey-gooey goodness, I figured I better write out what I hope to … [Continue reading] about The Stereotypical New Year’s Resolution Post
American Gods, A Review

I finished reading American Gods. The book by Neil Gaimon has garnered a fair bit of hype since it was first published in 2001. It's won the hearts of fantasy readers and could be a bit of a genre-breaking book too, as its gained much attention from … [Continue reading] about American Gods, A Review
How to check which version of Ubuntu server you’re running
I ran into this issue today. I wanted to see the Ubuntu version on my VM. The -uname -a command showed the machine name, but not the distribution info. So I found reference to a file in the /etc/ folder. Try reading the content of this file if you … [Continue reading] about How to check which version of Ubuntu server you’re running
The American Quest
Alex's breath fogged in the cold night air. The sweatshirt he'd grabbed from the back of his chair smelled like old milk or cheese. Alex checked the pocket and pulled the lint out, throwing the tuft into the bushes. By two-ish in the morning, the … [Continue reading] about The American Quest